When we burn the bootloader of Arduino Diecimila, we connected external AVR-Writer to ICSP of Diecimila.
But I found the method to burn the bootloader by Diecimila itself without external AVR-writer.
It is able to do by FT232RL BitBang Mode AVR-Writer software.
And, this method is usable on the Arduino NG, Arduino Duemilanove and w/ATMega328P too.
But, this method cannot do on the Arduino Uno.
Japanese English
This page was renewed for tutorial of "Btibang method" in GUI-Operation.
Old version tutorial in CUI-Operation is here -> Burning the Bootloader without extarnal AVR-writer (CUI Operation)
How to run this "FTDI Bitbang method" with the Arduino-IDE ->Click here
- FT232RL BitBang Mode AVR-Writer
FT232RL is an USB-Serial bridge on an Arduino Dicimila/NG/Duemilanove PCB. It has the function to manipulate each signal pin directly.
It's called BitBang Mode.
"avrdude-serjtag" is AVR-Writer software developed by Mr.Suz. It include the function to control FT232RL BitBang Mode.
If we use "avrdude-serjtag" we can burn the bootloader by Diecimila itself.
I describe below the method. on Windows-XP.
- Attention!!!
If you want use "avrdude-serjtag" on Linux or Mac OS, you must remake ( patch, reconfigure and recompile) it.
There are useful projects.
These projects made a way to BitBang Mode AVR-Writer on Linux and Mac !!!
Of course, if you use Windows in Vmware on your Linux or Mac OS, you can run "avrdude-serjtag(windows version)".
avrdude by FT245R/FT232R(Linux) (Translated to English by Google.)
FTDI Drivers for avrdude in Linux by Coffeebot Labs
BitBang Mode AVR-Writer on Mac (Translated to English by Google.)
- Modify the Dicimila
There are four pads written as X3 near FT232RL on a Diecimila PCB.
(These pads are connected to the control pins of FT232RL.)
Remove the solder of these pads and insert a pin-header. And soldering it.

- Downloading
- "avrdude-serjtag" FTDI BitBang AVR-Writer
serjtag-0.3.zip mirror site
serjtag-0.3.tar.gz mirror site
- serjtag-0.3.zip original site (http://suz-avr.sblo.jp/archives/20070621-1.html)
serjtag-0.3.tar.gz original site (http://suz-avr.sblo.jp/archives/20070621-1.html)
- configure-file for avrdude-serjtag
avrdude.conf (Update: included chip-parameter of ATmega328P,168P and 88P)
- "avrdude-GUI (yuki-lab.jp Version)" GUI wrapper for avrdude
avrdude-GUI-1.0.5.zip mirror site
original site (http://yuki-lab.jp/hw/avrdude-GUI/index.html)
- avrdude-GUI (yuki-lab.jp Version) require Microsoft .NET Framework 2.0.
When .NET Framework 2.0 is not installed. Download it from
here (Microsoft .NET Framework 2.0 download page) and install it.
- Installing
- avrdude-serjtag
- Exract serjtag-03.zip.
- Copy "avrdude-serjtag" folder into the "C:\Program Files" folder.
- Delete "src" folder in the "avrdude-serjtag" folder.
- avrdude.conf
- avrdude-GUI (yuki-lab.jp Version)
- Extract avrdude-GUI-1.0.5.zip.
- Copy "avrdude-GUI-1.0.5" folder into "C:\Program Files" folder.
- avrdude-GUI (yuki-lab.jp Version) require Microsoft .NET Framework 2.0.
When .NET Framework 2.0 is not installed. Download it from
here and install it.
- Setting
Open the "C:\Program Files\avrdude-GUI-1.0.5" folder.
And double click the "avrdude-GUI.exe" to run it.

"avrdude-GUI" settings is as below from i to iv.

- avrdude.exe File area
- Click on the
- Open "C:\Program Files\avrdude-serjtag\binary" folder.
- Select "avrdude.exe", and click on the [Open(O)] button.
- Programmer area
- Click on the
- Select "FT232R Synchronous BitBang (diecimila)".
- Device area
- Click on the
- Select "ATmega168 (m168)".
- Command line Option area
- Click the text-box. And key in below.
-P ft0 -B 4800
"-P ft0" is Bitbang-Port settings. "-B 4800" is slow clock mode settings.
Attention !!! Must make the Port area the blanks.
- Testing
- Wiring
Connect the pins of X3 and the pins of ICSP by wires. Please see the photograph below. (click to enlarge)
- Connect Diecimila and a PC by a USB cable.
- Run the avrdude-GUI.
- Read the Fuse-bits.
- Click on the [Read] button of Fuse area.

- If the fuse-bits are read, it is working.
When an error is displayed, it is not working. confirm wiring and setting of avrdude-GUI.
- Run it by fast clock mode.
- Delete "-B 4800" of Command line Option area.
- Read the Fuse-bits. again.
If the fuse-bits are read, it is working by fast clock mode.
- Burning the bootloader.
- Set the new ATmega168-chip.
- Discconect USB-cable from the Diecimila.
- Remove ATmega168-chip from the Deicimila-PCB.
- Set the new-chip onto the Decimila-PCB.
- Connect USB-cable to the Diecimila again.
- Writing the Fuse-Bits.
- Set slow clock mode.
Key in "-B 4800" to text-box of Command line Option area.
Attention !!! A virgin chip cannot run by fast clock mode.
- Erase
(1) Click on the [Chip Erase] button.
(2) Click on the [Read] button of Lock Bit area. The value 3F of Lock Bit should be displayed.
- Writing the Fuse-Bits.
(1) Set the fuse-bits as below. (These settings are for only ATmega168.)
hfuse = DD
lfuse = FF
efuse = 00
(2) Click on the [Write] button of Fuse area.

- Switch to fast clock mode.
Delete " -B 4800" Command line Option area. And read the Fuse-Bits.
When do not read the fuse bits, probably, you had a mistake to set the Fuse-Bits. Return to slow clock mode. And write the Fuse-Bits again precisely.
- Preparing Bootloader hex-file.
- Click on the
of the Flash area.
- Open the "C:\Program Files\arduino-0013\hardware\bootloaders\atmega168" folder.
- Select "ATmegaBOOT_168_diecimila.hex", and click on the [Open(O)] button.

- Burning
- Click on the [Erase Write Verify] button of Flash area.
- Wait until this working will be finished.

- Writing the Lock-Bit.
- (1) Set the Lock-Bit as below.
Lock = 0F
- (2) Writing
Click on the [Write] button of Lock Bit area.

With the above burning of the bootloader is the end.
If you want to burn the bootloader onto .....
ATmega8 [Click here]
at ATmega8: Use these fuse-bits and lock-bit.
- hfuse = CA
- lfuse = DF
- unlock = 3F
- lock = 0F
About lock-bit,
http://arduino.cc/en/Hacking/Bootloader says unlock = FF, lock = CF. That is wrong in this method.
Information from Mr. RV Prakash. Thanks.
ATmega328P [Click here]
Download avrdude.conf (Update: it's included chip-parameter of ATmega328P)
Use these fuse-bits,lock-bit and .hex file as follows. (according to arduino-0013\hardware\board.txt)
- hfuse = DA
- lfuse = FF
- efuse = 05
- unlock = 3F
- lock = 0F
- bootloader .hex file
arduino-0013(or 0014)\hardware\bootloaders\atmega168\ATmegaBOOT_168_atmega328.hex
- Confirming.
- Disconnect USB-cable form the Dicimila.
- Remove the wires of ICSP and X3.
- Connect a USB cable to Diecimila again.
- Push the reset button of Diecimila.
- Start Arudino-IDE
- Upload sample sketch "Blink".
And it will be run.
- Dicimila become AVR-Writer
We can use Dicimila as an universal AVR-Writer if we use avrdude-serjtag,avrdude-GUI and the ICSP cable such as the photograph below. (click to enlarge)

Very thanks Mr.Suz who developed BitBang Mode AVR-Writer software "avrdude-serjtag", and Mr.Yuki who developed GUI-wrapper of avrdude.exe.
avrdude on FT245R/FT232R by Suz AVR-Research --> (Translation to English by Google)
avrdude on FT245R/FT232R(Linux) by Suz AVR-Research
-->(Translation to English by Google)
FTDI Drivers for avrdude in Linux by Coffeebot Labs
avrdude-GUI (yuki-lab.jp Version) --> (Translation to English by Google)
BitBang Mode AVR-Writer on Mac --> (Translation to English by Google)
[Another Hack]
Arduino meets Processing via WiFi. How to make cheap WiFi environment for Arduino by FON's router.
update 2009.03.20 avrdude.conf (update on 03.18 failed. update again)
update 2009.03.19 about ATmega328P
update 2009.03.18 avrdude.conf (add device data script for ATmega88P,ATmega328P)
renew 2009.03.07
update 2008.11.07
upload 2008.07.27 05:48(JST)